Wealth granting Dzambhala

Tibetan Dzambhalas are wealth deities that grant longevity and prosperity in daily life.


The practice of DZAMBHALA is associated with generosity and the quality of richness and abundance, and is therefore considered the most effective in eradicating poverty: both on a psychological and material level.

In general, Dzambhala derived from the word jambhara (lemon), which he carries in his right hand. In his left arm he holds a mongoose that continually spits out jewels. These jewels are being deposited in a blooming lotus flower in the waters below. He is shown as being corpulent and covered with jewels; symbolizing wealth. His right foot is and supported by a lotus flower (symbolizing purity) on which is a conch shell (symbolizing the power of the Buddha’s voice and the dharma teachings).

There are 5 Dzambhalas yellow, white, black, green & red.

One could invite Dzambhala into ones life – for prosperity and protection.

One Response to “Wealth granting Dzambhala”

  1. lunarsoul Says:

    I had displayed a yellow Dzambhala in my living space in order to gain wealth; My prayer had been answered promptly and is one of the reason i am blogging about the oriental art / wisdom of living. I had always been an avid Feng Shui believer, long before Feng Shui was hip & popular; and considered myself blessed to be lucky enough to come across and get to know about Feng Shui & Dharma.

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